Ho ho ho!

Judgmental Penguin is watching you from above. Be careful, for he is more watchful than Santa Claus. He also only knows when you've been naughty; he couldn't care if you've been nice. Thus is the life of Judgmental Penguin.

But hey, Christmas is on the way. The 'rents decorated the house today, and we have the (fake) tree put up now, as you can see. I got to pull it up from the basement, and Mom basically put it up. It's been in the family for years. The leaves have metal tips that get put into the center shaft. Completely safe. It has to be at least 10-20 years old by now, I'm sure. We've also got the manger set at the bottom, which has also been around for awhile. Not much else to say, other than that I think this picture turned out nice compared to the originals.
Why haven't I been updating? Simple - I've been at work and taking no pictures! The Christmas ones were taken today, and Judgmental Penguin had his picture taken Tuesday.
Working short shifts on Wednesday and Thursday was fun and relaxed. I get to drive around the golf cart for deliveries. The thing is a speed demon! A whole five miles per hour! It's

So, these are the stockings for my immediate family. They're hanging up over the parents' fireplace now. The ones on the ends are my parents' stockings. They figure that, since we get these nice sized socks that they get the big socks for presents.
Also, all the brick and stone is actually stucco. I used to think that it was brick and stone until I figured it out when I was about 10 or 11 (I've lived here since I was 2). Dad does fake brick and things like that. It's pretty convincing.

Lastly, these things. Oh God these things. Five of the six grandkids are getting these things. They spin and make giggling noises that would easily drive parents insane. I'm kind of glad that I only have to deal with these tomorrow, though. Poor parents have to deal with them even more.
If you're wondering, the fifth one is a giraffe. And if my body is found in my room on Christmas, then this picture will be my suicide note. I can take some annoyance and I regard myself as a patient person, but these things are bad. Just plain
bad. Hopefully I'll survive.
That's all the pictures for now. Maybe I'll actually have an on-time post tomorrow. Then pigs will fly and Christmas will have freezing temperatures this year.