Picture: Another flower
Background: In the little garden in the Skiles quad, there's a few nice little flowers. I was passing by and almost just passed them up, but I decided to stop for a moment and grab a couple pictures for myself. I didn't quite like how they turned out, to be perfectly honest, so I might go back there some time and take a few more. Probably a lot more, since I only really had time to take 4 pictures. I have to rush to my Tuesday lab right after English in the span of ten minutes. It gets better on Thursdays when I have to go across campus and get points docked if I'm 10 minutes late.
What saddens me is that I didn't have my camera out for the guy on a unicycle that passed me not long after. It was pretty awesome to see, though.
today's video is half an hour of funny...
Azaelas... you should have plenty of time to get more pictures, and in more places around campus, too!