So, the first one is this interesting license plate. I'm surprised I was able to get a picture of it...since the owner is a NINJA! I think there must be at least three ninjas in this picture, but I can't find them. It's been parked in one of the parking lots since band camp, along with another car that has the plate "Mythril".
There are some real nerds here, and I fit in perfectly. I don't know if I'd get a license plate like that, but I was thinking of a nyanvan....
I also discovered today that the bookstore I went to doesn't take student ID. So I had to go to the campus bookstore to grab some books. That sucked.
Otherwise, good day so far. One of my classes got me actually excited for my major - not something I was really expecting.
today's video is an interesting lip sync (possible nsfw)...
Lantana... Boom! (I needed my parents' help, though)